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  • Coils-tpp-x-0.15-DM1-voopoo

Coils TPP Voopoo


Discover the TPP coils by Voopoo, the epitome of innovation in the vaping world. Designed to transcend your vaping experience, these coils stand out for their ability to produce dense vapor rich in flavors. With options ranging from 0.15 to 0.3 ohms and a recommended usage between 32 and 100 watts, they promise a perfect adaptation to your preferences. Their Mesh composition ensures not only remarkable longevity but also unprecedented heating efficiency. Compatible with the TPP Tank clearomizer by Voopoo, these coils are your ally for exceptional direct inhalation vaping.


Coils TPP Voopoo

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Dive into the heart of remarkable innovation in the vaping arena with Voopoo's TPP coils. Combining avant-garde design and technical performance, these coils are the result of extensive research aimed at reinventing the vaping experience to meet the aspirations of 21st-century vapers. Whether you're seeking an explosion of flavors, breathtaking vapor production, or unwavering reliability, TPP coils stand as the undisputed reference. Tailored to a wide range of preferences and vaping styles with their diversified specifications - from 0.15 to 0.3 ohms and optimal usage between 32 and 100 watts - they embody Voopoo's commitment to excellence and innovation. The Mesh technology at the core of these coils ensures exceptional heating surface, promising remarkable longevity and intensely flavorful vaping experience. Compatible with Voopoo's TPP Tank, they unlock the doors to a sublime direct lung (DL) vaping experience, marked by a perfect balance between flavor and vapor.


Innovation has always been at the heart of Voopoo's strategy, a brand recognized for pushing the boundaries of vaping technology. The TPP coils continue this legacy, addressing the ever-increasing expectations of vapers. With the evolution of e-liquids and clearomizers, the need for a coil capable of keeping pace with this progression became evident. Voopoo rose to the challenge with TPP coils.

Main Features

Voopoo's TPP Mesh Coils embody a revolution in the vaping world, bringing an enhanced experience with every puff. They stand out with a series of key features meticulously designed to meet and exceed the expectations of even the most demanding vapers. Here's an in-depth look at these main features:

  • Variety of Coils: The TPP range offers several coil variants, including the 0.15 ohm TPP-DM1, 0.2 ohm TPP-DM2, 0.15 ohm TPP-DM3, and 0.3 ohm TPP-DM4. This diversity allows users to customize their vaping experience according to their preference for vapor production, flavor rendering, or a combination of both.

  • Advanced Mesh Technology: Each TPP coil integrates a Mesh design, optimized to increase the heating surface. This results in more efficient vaporization of e-liquid, rapid temperature rise, and an exceptionally flavorful vaping experience.

  • Optimal Power Ranges: The coils are designed to operate efficiently within specific power ranges, ensuring not only optimal performance but also user safety. These ranges vary from 32 watts, ideal for smooth and flavorful vaping, up to 100 watts for those seeking an intense vaping experience.

  • Designed for Direct Lung Inhale: Specifically developed for direct lung (DL) inhale, these coils promote massive vapor production and deep inhalation, perfectly meeting the needs of vapers craving strong sensations and an immersive experience.

  • Compatibility with TPP Tank: TPP Mesh Coils are designed to be perfectly compatible with Voopoo's TPP Tank, ensuring seamless integration and enhanced performance through this technological partnership.

  • Longevity and Quality: The combination of Mesh technology with high-quality materials used in the manufacture of TPP coils results in increased longevity. This means fewer coil replacements and more quality vaping sessions before needing to change the coil.

  • Adaptation to High VG Ratio: Designed to be used with high VG ratio e-liquids, these coils maximize vapor production while offering a smooth and enjoyable vaping experience.

In summary, Voopoo's TPP Mesh Coils offer cutting-edge technology and thoughtful design for a superior vaping experience. Whether you're a vaper looking for intense vaping or a more moderate session, the TPP range has a solution tailored to every need.


Voopoo's TPP coils represent a technological turning point in the vaping world, offering a series of advantages that place them well beyond their competitors. They are specially designed to satisfy even the most demanding vapers, those who seek not only to maximize their vaping experience but also to optimize every aspect of their vaping session.

  1. Exceptional Flavor Rendering: Thanks to the innovative use of Mesh technology, TPP coils ensure efficient and uniform vaporization of e-liquid. This key feature ensures pure and intense flavor rendering, allowing users to rediscover their favorite flavors in a new light, with unparalleled richness and complexity.

  2. Enhanced Vapor Production: TPP coils are designed to produce an impressive volume of vapor, meeting the expectations of direct lung (DL) inhale enthusiasts. This advantage transforms each draw into a visually spectacular and intensely satisfying experience, enhancing the pleasure of vaping.

  3. Superior Durability: One of the major concerns of vapers is the longevity of their coils. TPP coils perfectly address this concern thanks to their Mesh construction, which not only optimizes the heating surface for better vaporization but also extends the coil's lifespan. This results in a notable reduction in long-term costs, as users do not need to replace their coils as frequently.

  4. Adaptability and Versatility: The varied range of TPP coils (TPP-DM1, TPP-DM2, TPP-DM3, and TPP-DM4) offers users unparalleled flexibility, allowing them to customize their vaping experience according to their specific preferences for power and intensity. Whether you prefer smooth and flavorful vaping or dense and powerful vapor production, there is a TPP coil for you.

  5. Compatibility and Ease of Use: Designed to be compatible with Voopoo's TPP Tank, these coils effortlessly integrate into your vaping system, making replacement and maintenance easy. This ease of use, combined with their exceptional performance, makes TP

    Usage Tips

    For an enhanced vaping experience with Voopoo's TPP Mesh Coils, it's crucial to pay attention to several key aspects, including the suitable power range for each coil model. Following these tips will allow you to fully enjoy your vaping while maximizing the lifespan of your coils.

    • TPP Mesh Coils DM1 0.15 ohm: Ideal for vapers looking for abundant vapor and excellent flavor rendition, these coils should be used within a range of 60 to 80W. This range ensures a perfect balance between vapor volume and flavor preservation, thus avoiding the risk of e-liquid overheating.

    • TPP Mesh Coils DM2 0.2 ohm: For a slightly more moderate vaping experience but still rich in flavors, opt for a power range between 40 and 60 watts. This setup is particularly suitable for vapers seeking generous vapor production without excessive heat.

    • TPP Mesh Coils DM3 0.15 ohm: Designed for powerful vaping enthusiasts, these coils perform best between 80 and 100 watts. At this intensity, prepare for impressive vapor clouds accompanied by an explosion of flavors, ideal for those looking to maximize their experience.

    • TPP Mesh Coils DM4 0.3 ohm: With a range of 32 to 40W, these coils are perfect for daily vaping, offering smooth and flavorful vaping without premature coil wear.

    Additional Tips for Optimal Use:

    1. Priming the Coil: Before first use, it's crucial to prime the coil by applying a few drops of e-liquid directly onto the visible cotton through the openings. This ensures adequate saturation of the cotton, eliminates the risk of burning on the first inhale, and extends the coil's lifespan.

    2. Gradual Power Adjustment: When using a new coil, start vaping at a lower power than the recommended one and gradually increase it. This method allows the cotton to acclimate to the heat and minimizes the risk of damage during the initial uses.

    By incorporating these practices into your vaping routine, you ensure not only an exceptional vaping experience but also increased durability of your TPP Mesh Coils.


    In the relentless pursuit of a rewarding vaping experience, Voopoo's TPP Mesh Coils stand out as the ultimate solution, merging technological innovation and exceptional performance. Adopting these coils means diving into a world where vapor density, flavor intensity, and material durability coexist harmoniously to meet the most demanding requirements of vapers, whether they're beginners or experts.

    The perfect match of recommended power ranges, the crucial importance of priming the coils, and the gradual adjustment of power are more than just tips; they represent the key to unlocking the full potential of these advanced coils. Every aspect of the TPP Mesh Coils has been meticulously designed to deliver an unprecedented experience, marking a turning point in vaping evolution.

    Voopoo has established itself as a pillar of innovation in the vaping industry, and its TPP Mesh Coils are tangible proof of that. These coils aren't just a component of your vape; they are the heart of your vaping experience, directly influencing the quality and intensity of every puff.

    The conclusion is clear: for those seeking superior vape quality, abundant vapor production, and intensified flavor experience, Voopoo's TPP Mesh Coils offer an unparalleled solution. By following the specific usage tips and respecting the unique characteristics of each coil model, vapers can not only enhance their daily vaping experience but also significantly prolong the useful life of their devices.

    Thus, in the vaping universe, where the quest for excellence knows no bounds, Voopoo's TPP Mesh Coils represent a wise choice for all. They embody Voopoo's commitment to quality, innovation, and customer satisfaction, placing these coils at the top of users' preferences. Engage in this vaping adventure with Voopoo, and discover a new dimension of pleasure, performance, and reliability.

    Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) about Voopoo's "TPP" Coils:

    1. What is the average lifespan of a TPP Mesh Coil?
    Answer: The lifespan of a TPP Mesh Coil varies depending on usage and maintenance, but with proper care, it can generally last from one to several weeks.

    2. Can TPP Mesh Coils be used with any e-liquid?
    Answer: For optimal experience, it's recommended to use e-liquids with a high VG content. However, TPP Mesh Coils are compatible with most e-liquids.

    3. Are TPP Mesh Coils compatible with all Voopoo devices?
    Answer: They are designed to be compatible with the TPP Tank by Voopoo. It's important to check compatibility with your specific device.

    4. How do I know when it's time to replace my TPP Mesh Coil?
    Answer: A burnt taste, decreased vapor production, or leaking are signs that it's time to replace your coil.

    5. How to prevent leaks with TPP Mesh Coils?
    Answer: Ensure the tank is properly filled and not exceeding the recommended power ranges. Regular maintenance can also help prevent leaks.

    6. Can TPP Mesh Coils be used for indirect inhalation?
    Answer: TPP Mesh Coils are primarily designed for direct inhalation, offering better performance in this mode.

    7. What is the importance of priming the TPP Mesh Coil?
    Answer: Properly priming the coil helps to avoid burnt tastes and ensures a long lifespan for the coil.

    8. How to adjust the power for different TPP Mesh Coils?
    Answer: It's advised to start with a power lower than the recommended one and gradually increase it until reaching the desired level, without exceeding the maximum recommended power.

    9. Is it possible to repair a burnt TPP Mesh Coil?
    Answer: Once a coil is burnt, it's generally recommended to replace it to ensure the best vaping quality.

    10. How to clean the TPP Tank clearomizer for optimal performance of the TPP Mesh Coils?
    Answer: Disassemble the clearomizer and clean each part with warm water. Make sure all parts are completely dry before reassembling.

Data sheet

Resistance value
0.15/0.20/0.30 ohm
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