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Shift Sub-Tank 25mm Clearomizer Vaperz Cloud

Discover the Clearomizer Shift Sub-Tank 25mm by Vaperz Cloud, a revolution in the vaping world. Designed in the United Kingdom, this atomizer combines the convenience of traditional coils with the unique experience of rebuildables. With its 4ml tank, a simplified top-fill system, and honeycomb-style adjustable airflow, it offers a personalized and intense vaping experience. Compatible with VC Tech, Voopoo's PnP, Vaporesso's GTX, and BP Mods' TMD coils, it promises flexibility and performance. Embark on a journey of flavors and sensations with the Shift Sub-Tank.


Shift Sub-Tank 25mm Clearomizer Vaperz Cloud

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Dive into the heart of innovation with the Clearomizer Shift Sub-Tank 25mm by Vaperz Cloud, a creation that redefines the boundaries between the technicality of rebuildables and the user-friendliness of pre-made coils. Hailing from the United Kingdom, this vaping jewel stands out with its ingenious design, offering a personalized and high-quality vaping experience. With its generous 4ml tank, a highly convenient top-fill system, and a honeycomb-style adjustable airflow for unparalleled draw precision, the Shift Sub-Tank emerges as the ideal companion for vapers seeking a flavor-rich and sensation-packed experience. Its extensive compatibility with VC Tech coils, as well as Voopoo's PnP series, Vaporesso's GTX series, and BP Mods' TMD series, showcases its flexibility and adaptability, propelling users into a new era of vaping where innovation and performance intertwine to deliver unprecedented satisfaction.


In an ever-evolving industry, Vaperz Cloud has always been at the forefront, pushing the boundaries of innovation. The Shift Sub-Tank is the culmination of this ambition, being the first of its kind to adopt the VC Tech Coil resistance system, offering a fresh perspective on vape customization.

Main Features

  • 25mm Diameter and 4ml tank for a perfect balance between dimension and capacity.
  • Top-fill system for effortless liquid refilling.
  • Honeycomb-style adjustable airflow for precise draw customization.
  • Extensive compatibility with coils from different brands for a tailored experience.


The Clearomizer Shift Sub-Tank 25mm from Vaperz Cloud revolutionizes the vaping experience with a series of distinctive advantages that place it well above its competitors. Here's a detailed overview of its major strengths:

  • Enhanced Vaping Sensations: The uniqueness of the Shift Sub-Tank lies in its ability to blend the rich and complex sensations of rebuildables with the ease of use of pre-made coils. This combination offers users an intensely personalized vaping experience, characterized by an explosion of flavors and optimal vapor production.

  • Innovative and Convenient Design: Featuring an extremely convenient top-fill system, the clearomizer minimizes spills and leaks, making liquid refilling quick and hassle-free. The ergonomic design also ensures a comfortable grip and unparalleled user experience.

  • Honeycomb-style Adjustable Airflow: The major innovation of this clearomizer is its dual diffusion honeycomb-style adjustable airflow, allowing precise draw customization. Whether you prefer a direct or restrictive inhale, the Shift Sub-Tank adapts to your needs, offering full control over vapor intensity, volume, and flavor rendition.

  • Extensive Coil Compatibility: One of the most notable advantages of the Shift Sub-Tank is its compatibility with a wide range of coils, including VC Tech, Voopoo's PnP series, Vaporesso's GTX series, and BP Mods' TMD series. This feature ensures exceptional flexibility, allowing vapers to explore different setups to achieve vaping nirvana.

  • Durability and Build Quality: Designed with high-quality materials, the Shift Sub-Tank promises long-term durability and reliability. Its precise assembly and robust design ensure resistance to shocks and daily wear, ensuring that your investment remains protected.

  • Eco-Friendly Vaping Experience: Beyond its unparalleled performance, the Shift Sub-Tank stands out for its commitment to responsible vaping. Compatible with reusable coils and designed to minimize waste, it offers a more eco-friendly alternative to disposable vaping systems.

In summary, the Clearomizer Shift Sub-Tank 25mm is the ultimate choice for discerning vapers, perfectly combining innovation, performance, flexibility, and durability. It's the ideal investment for those looking to enrich their vaping experience while contributing to a more sustainable environment.

Usage Tips

Optimal use of the Clearomizer Shift Sub-Tank 25mm from Vaperz Cloud requires some tips and recommended practices to maximize your vaping experience. Here are detailed tips to help you make the most of your clearomizer:

  1. Preparation Before Use: Before starting to vape, ensure that your clearomizer is properly assembled. Check that all parts, including the coils, are securely in place to avoid any risk of leakage or malfunction.

  2. Priming the Coil: For optimal vaping experience from the get-go, it's crucial to prime the coils properly. Apply a few drops of e-liquid directly onto the coil cotton before installation to ensure adequate saturation. This helps prevent cotton burns and ensures better flavor rendition.

  3. Adjusting Airflow: Experiment with the honeycomb-style adjustable airflow system to find the draw that suits you best. A more open airflow promotes greater vapor production, while a more restricted airflow enhances flavors. Adjust it according to your personal preferences and the type of liquid used.

  4. Choosing E-Liquid: The type of e-liquid plays a significant role in your vaping experience. Liquids with a high VG (vegetable glycerin) content are ideal for vapor production, while those with a higher PG (propylene glycol) content offer better flavor rendition. Select your e-liquid based on your vaping preferences and compatibility with the coils used.

  5. Regular Maintenance: To maintain optimal performance of your clearomizer, regularly clean all components with warm water and let them dry completely before reassembly. This helps prevent residue buildup and ensures the longevity of your device.

  6. Coil Rotation: Change coils according to the manufacturer's recommendations or as soon as you notice a decrease in vapor quality or flavor alteration. Using fresh coils ensures a consistent and satisfying vaping experience.

  7. Monitoring Liquid Consumption: Keep an eye on the liquid level in the tank to avoid dry hits, an unpleasant sensation due to inhaling vapor when the cotton is dry. Make sure to refill the tank before it's completely empty.

By following these tips, you'll be able to fully exploit the potential of the Clearomizer Shift Sub-Tank 25mm and enjoy an enriched and personalized vaping experience. These practices will also help extend the lifespan of your clearomizer and maintain its performance at its optimal level.


In conclusion, the Clearomizer Shift Sub-Tank 25mm from Vaperz Cloud stands as a true revolution in the vaping world, transcending traditional expectations to offer an unparalleled experience. Thanks to its innovative design, which combines the flexibility of traditional coils with the depth of rebuildable sensations, this clearomizer is a true invitation to rediscover your vaping style.

The combination of convenient top-fill, honeycomb-style adjustable airflow for precise draw control, and extensive compatibility with VC Tech, Voopoo's PnP series, Vaporesso's GTX series, and BP Mods' TMD series coils, gives the Shift Sub-Tank unparalleled versatility. This technological gem caters to vapers of all levels, from beginners to seasoned enthusiasts, seeking a personalized vaping experience rich in flavor and vapor clouds.

The build quality, attention to detail, and Vaperz Cloud's commitment to innovation are evident in every aspect of this clearomizer. It's not just an accessory for your e-cigarette; it's a vaping companion that elevates every puff to a level of excellence rarely achieved before.

Choosing the Clearomizer Shift Sub-Tank 25mm means embracing a new era of vaping, where quality, performance, and user satisfaction are at the core of every design. Whether you're looking for a more intense vaping experience, better flavor rendition, or simply enhanced reliability and flexibility, the Shift Sub-Tank is the smart choice.

By opting for this clearomizer, you're doing more than acquiring a product; you're investing in an enriched vaping experience marked by innovation, quality, and customization. The Clearomizer Shift Sub-Tank 25mm is proof that in the vaping world, the boundaries of excellence are constantly being pushed, offering users an open door to a universe of endless possibilities.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) about the "Shift Sub-Tank 25mm" Clearomizer from Vaperz Cloud:

1. What is the origin of the Clearomizer Shift Sub-Tank 25mm?
Answer: The Clearomizer Shift Sub-Tank 25mm originates from the United Kingdom, designed by the renowned brand Vaperz Cloud.

2. What types of inhalation are possible with the Shift Sub-Tank?
Answer: It supports both Direct Lung (DL) and Restricted Direct Lung (RDL) inhalation, offering flexibility according to user preferences.

3. What is the capacity of the Shift Sub-Tank's tank?
Answer: The tank has a capacity of 4ml, providing ample liquid volume for extended vaping sessions.

4. How is liquid refilled in the Shift Sub-Tank?
Answer: Refilling is done from the top, simplifying the process and reducing the risk of spillage.

5. Is the airflow system adjustable?
Answer: Yes, it features a dual diffusion honeycomb-style adjustable airflow, allowing precise draw control.

6. What types of drip tips are compatible with the Shift Sub-Tank?
Answer: It comes with an interchangeable 810 drip tip, standard and convenient for customizing your experience.

7. What resistances is the Shift Sub-Tank compatible with?
Answer: It's compatible with VC Tech Series coils, as well as Voopoo's PnP series, Vaporesso's GTX series, and BP Mods' TMD series, offering great flexibility.

8. What is the diameter of the Shift Sub-Tank?
Answer: The clearomizer has a diameter of 25mm, making it compatible with a wide range of mods.

9. Does the Shift Sub-Tank come with accessories?
Answer: Yes, it comes with a kit including various coils, a bubble Pyrex, an 810 drip tip, as well as a set of replacement o-rings and screws.

10. What are the key advantages of the Shift Sub-Tank compared to its competitors?
Answer: Its main advantages are the unique sensation of rebuildables with traditional coils, ergonomic design, simplified filling system, honeycomb-style adjustable airflow for ultimate control, and extensive compatibility with various coils, positioning it as a versatile and high-quality option for all vapers.

Data sheet

Vaperz Cloud
United Kingdom
Direct (DL) or Direct Restrictive (RDL)
type of tank
From above
Adjustable Double Admission Honeycomb
Drip Tip
810 Replaceable
Compatible Coils
Colis: VC Tech series, PnP series from Voopoo, GTX from Vaporesso and TMD from BP Mods
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