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  • kit-ReGenesis-Meca-Deathwish-Modz-Blade Grey

kit ReGenesis Meca Deathwish Modz

Innovation meets performance with the ReGenesis Meca kit from Deathwish Modz. Originating in Canada, this marvel of vaping combines robustness and technology. Its special feature is the side fire, which offers impressive responsiveness thanks to a design that minimises voltage drop. Its 28mm dual-coil RDA is designed for power-vaping, enabling daring set-ups. With a 3.5mm bowl and ultem chamber, you can expect exceptional flavour reproduction. It requires a 21700 battery (not included) to reach its full potential. It's the undeniable choice for enthusiasts looking to merge art and performance.


kit ReGenesis Meca Deathwish Modz

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The world of vaping is a crossroads of technology, art, and passion. In this dynamic mix, the ReGenesis Meca kit from Deathwish Modz emerges not just as another product, but as a true icon of perfection and excellence. Let me take you on a detailed journey through its features, heritage, and relevance in today's vaping landscape.


To truly appreciate the ReGenesis Meca, one must first understand where it comes from. Vaping began in the early 2000s, but it was in the last decade that it really took off, with major technological advancements. Deathwish Modz, originating from Canada, has always strived to be at the forefront of this revolution. They have adopted a user-centered approach, always seeking to combine performance, safety, and aesthetics. The ReGenesis Meca is the culmination of this quest, encapsulating years of research, innovation, and user feedback.

Main Features:

  • Design Uniqueness: The ReGenesis Meca stands apart with its striking aesthetics. Attention to detail is palpable, ensuring that each element is as functional as it is aesthetically pleasing.

  • Side Fire Performance: The revolution is here. With its contact bar, it ensures optimal energy transmission, delivering powerful and consistent puffs every time.

  • Enduring Power: The use of a 21700 battery ensures not only durability but also a constant energy output. Vaping sessions become marathons.

  • Dual Coil RDA: The promise of power-vaping is brilliantly fulfilled. Whether you prefer dense vapor or a strong hit, this device is adaptable to all needs.

  • Ultem Chamber: This technical innovation ensures that each puff is rich in flavor, doing justice to all e-liquids.

  • Customization: With adjustable airflow, each vaper can refine their experience to perfection.


Where the ReGenesis Meca truly shines is in its ability to offer a competitive edge. Its durability is unmatched, while providing vaping sessions that are pure delight. The adjustable airflow means that vapers can get exactly the type of draw they desire. Moreover, its aesthetics alone are a talking point, drawing admiring glances with every use.

Usage Tips:

The power and sophistication of the ReGenesis Meca require conscious use. It's a jewel, but it must be treated with respect. Always check for shorts before using it and familiarize yourself with the basic principles of Ohm's Law. Regular maintenance and the use of quality batteries are essential to ensure safety and performance.


Ensure regular cleaning of your ReGenesis Meca to eliminate any residue and guarantee optimal performance.


Before using, familiarize yourself with the fundamentals of vaping, especially Ohm's Law. Always use tools like an ohmmeter to check your setups.

Mechanical vs Electronic:

Mechanical mods, like the ReGenesis Meca, are admired for their simplicity and purity. Without electronic circuits, they offer a direct connection between the battery and the atomizer. This provides an unfiltered, authentic sensation that many prefer. On the other hand, electronic mods offer a multitude of features, such as power adjustment, short-circuit protection, and battery monitoring. The choice between these two depends on the user's experience level and what they are looking for. However, it's undeniable that mechanical mods, when used correctly, offer an experience that few can match.


While the ReGenesis Meca is a marvel of design and performance, it is essential to remember that it is intended for advanced users. The mechanical nature means that there are no electronic protections. This requires a thorough knowledge of Ohm's Law, as well as regular checks of setups and batteries. It's also crucial to use good quality batteries and ensure they are in good condition. Responsible use will not only ensure an optimal experience but also maximum safety for the user to ensure risk-free use.

  • Expert Only: It should first be noted that the ReGenesis Meca is not intended for the general public. It is a product specifically designed for advanced users and experienced vapers. Its design and performance are suited to those with a deep understanding of the vaping world and the specifics of mechanical mods.
  • Ohm's Law, A Prerequisite: Mastery of Ohm’s Law is imperative for anyone wishing to fully exploit the potential of the ReGenesis Meca. This fundamental principle of electricity plays a vital role in the safety of your vaping experience. Without this knowledge, the risk of accidents or malfunctions increases significantly.
  • Preventing Short Circuits: Before even thinking about vaping, it is crucial to ensure that no short circuit occurs in your setup. For this, before installing your atomizer on the mod, use a measuring tool such as an electronic box or an ohmmeter. These tools allow you to detect any potential problem that could cause failures.
  • Battery Advice: The ReGenesis Meca operates using batteries, and here again, caution is advised. To ensure optimal safety, we recommend using four identical batteries in perfect condition. This choice ensures an even distribution of charge and avoids unexpected overloads that could damage the device or worse, cause an incident.
  • Regular Maintenance: Like any precision machine, the ReGenesis Meca demands regular maintenance. Clean all parts regularly, check for wear on components, and replace those that are damaged. A well-maintained mod is not only more efficient but also much safer.
  • Conclusion on Safety: The ReGenesis Meca kit is a jewel of technology and design. However, its beauty and power require careful attention and knowledge to ensure safe use. By following the recommendations outlined above, every vaper can ensure a sublime and risk-free vaping experience.


Navigating the vast world of vaping can sometimes feel like a journey through a tumultuous ocean of options and choices. However, among this multitude, the ReGenesis Meca kit from Deathwish Modz emerges as a beacon, guiding experienced vapers towards a truly unmatched experience.

This is not just another vaping tool, it is a symbol of excellence, a tangible representation of what passion for vaping combined with years of research, innovation, and refinement means. The sensation, flavor, and performance offered by this kit are not accidental, but the result of meticulous attention to every detail, every specification.

But beyond its performance and design, the ReGenesis Meca is also a reminder of the importance of safety and knowledge. For those who are ready to fully embrace everything it has to offer, it promises a vaping experience that is not just about producing vapor, but touches the soul, enchanting the senses and establishing new standards of excellence.

Investing in the ReGenesis Meca kit is not just a product choice, but a decision to enter an elite community of vapers who value quality, safety, and performance. For all those who have embarked on this journey of discovery, it is clear that the ReGenesis Meca is more than a wise choice, it is the quintessence of what vaping should be.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) about the ReGenesis Meca Kit by Deathwish Modz:

1. What makes the ReGenesis Meca so special?

Answer: Its unique combination of design, performance, and safety, all a result of years of innovation by the brand Deathwish Modz.

2. Can I use it as a beginner?

Answer: No, this mod is specifically intended for experienced vapers with an excellent understanding of Ohm's Law.

3. How can I ensure there are no short circuits?

Answer: Before using your atomizer on the mod, use an ohmmeter or an electronic box to check for the absence of short circuits.

4. What type of battery is recommended for this mod?

Answer: It is advised to use a 21700 battery, and preferably four identical batteries for optimal safety.

5. Does the kit include a battery?

Answer: No, the battery is not included and must be purchased separately.

6. What is the tank capacity?

Answer: The tank has a capacity of 3.5 ml.

7. Can I adjust the airflow?

Answer: Yes, the ReGenesis Meca has an adjustable airflow, perfect for DL use.

8. What is the diameter of the build deck?

Answer: The diameter of the build deck is 28 mm.

9. How do I fill the tank?

Answer: Filling is done from the top for easy handling.

10. Can I change the drip tip?

Answer: Yes, the drip tip is an interchangeable 810 model.

Data sheet

Deathwish Modz
Direct (DL)
type of electronic cigarette
Electro or Mecha
integrated battery
Battery type
Number of battery(s)
Battery(s) supplied
type of tank
Drippeur (RDA)
screw thread
From above
Drip Tip
810 Replaceable
diameter of the plate
Dual Coil
Max diameter of atomizer
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